Letter from the President
Hey Inwoofers,
This past week, I’ve been thinking a lot about what drew me to Homer’s Run and Inwoof, what convinced me to participate in the clean-ups, what made me volunteer to become Vice-President last year...essentially, what got me to this place as your new President. The answer ends up being community. Inwoof as an organization is an example of what makes Inwood so special: its people and the bond they make as neighbors and friends.
When I think of the Run, I think of the time complete strangers walked a woman home who had gotten bit and cared for her; people were introducing themselves on the way.
I think of how a group of folks moved the very heavy picnic table several feet to replace chicks that kept falling out of their nest and into the middle of the Run.
I think of how many people rallied when a member found an abandoned dog in the Run late at night; that dog now has a great new forever home.
I think of how people come to the Run with questions, concerns, and problems and the expertise of its members literally improves lives.
Though we know dogs are the best creatures ever, our community is built by people. People whose only connection is a love of dogs and a desire to have a clean, safe space for both dogs and humans to commune.
As I start my tenure as President, I’m going to rely on community - our community - to make Homer’s a true embodiment of what makes Inwood great.
The new Board - which includes Vice-President Traci DiGesu, Treasurer Rebecca Klein, and Parks Liaison Dee Schmidt - have great ideas for improving the Run and raising the funds for those improvements. But there is absolutely no way we can do ourselves. The initial plan is to establish Task Forces: groups of people who want to use their skills and/or interests to make Homer’s really wonderful. Some of those Task Forces include:
- Social Media and Marketing
- Building and Lands
- Special Events
More information will be coming in the coming weeks. If you’re interested, please reach out to any of us. The more people who participate, the easier the workload. And the better the Run.
Take care,
Lauren (Cal’s mom)