The 2019 Homer's Run Spring Clean-up
It’s time to prepare Homer’s Run for the summer! Come help clean up a winter’s worth of forgotten poop, destroyed tennis balls, and falling leaves. We’ll redistribute the gravel and mulch, reinforce the boundaries at the bottom of the fence, and generally spruce up the place.
There's all kinds of jobs that need doing, from manning the information table to shoveling gravel and everything in between. Every little bit helps, so please come by even if you can only stay for a little while. If you can't come at all, consider making at donation to Inwoof instead!
This is one of the few times of the year when you can make a big contribution in keeping Homer’s Run pleasant. We all use the Run, let’s help make it safe, healthy, and happy for all our dogs.
We’ll provide all materials and refreshments.
During the Clean-up, HOMER’S RUN WILL BE CLOSED from 10am to 2pm except for volunteer workers and their dogs.