The 2019 Homer's Run Spring Clean-up
10:00 AM10:00

The 2019 Homer's Run Spring Clean-up

It’s time to prepare Homer’s Run for the summer! Come help clean up a winter’s worth of forgotten poop, destroyed tennis balls, and falling leaves. We’ll redistribute the gravel and mulch, reinforce the boundaries at the bottom of the fence, and generally spruce up the place.

There's all kinds of jobs that need doing, from manning the information table to shoveling gravel and everything in between. Every little bit helps, so please come by even if you can only stay for a little while. If you can't come at all, consider making at donation to Inwoof instead!

This is one of the few times of the year when you can make a big contribution in keeping Homer’s Run pleasant. We all use the Run, let’s help make it safe, healthy, and happy for all our dogs.

We’ll provide all materials and refreshments.

During the Clean-up, HOMER’S RUN WILL BE CLOSED from 10am to 2pm except for volunteer workers and their dogs.

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Inwoof Fundraiser Weekend
9:00 AM09:00

Inwoof Fundraiser Weekend

Help us raise the funds to support maintenance and improvements to Homer’s Run. We need volunteers to man a table during the Inwoof Spring Fundraiser. If you’re looking for a way to give back for all the ways Homer’s supports you and your pup, this is it! We need 1-2 people to cover two shifts: 9-11:30am and 11:30am-2pm. If you’re interested, send an email to with the time you’re available. Thank you!

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Inwoof Fundraiser Weekend
9:00 AM09:00

Inwoof Fundraiser Weekend

Help us raise the funds to support maintenance and improvements to Homer’s Run. We need volunteers to man a table during the Inwoof Spring Fundraiser. If you’re looking for a way to give back for all the ways Homer’s supports you and your pup, this is it! We need 1-2 people to cover two shifts: 9-11:30am and 11:30am-2pm. If you’re interested, send an email to with the time you’re available. Thank you!

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Inwoof Fundraiser Weekend
9:00 AM09:00

Inwoof Fundraiser Weekend

Help us raise the funds to support maintenance and improvements to Homer’s Run. We need volunteers to man a table during the Inwoof Spring Fundraiser. If you’re looking for a way to give back for all the ways Homer’s supports you and your pup, this is it! We need 1-2 people to cover two shifts: 9-11:30am and 11:30am-2pm. If you’re interested, send an email to with the time you’re available. Thank you!

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Santa Paws
10:00 AM10:00

Santa Paws

Santa is coming to Homer's run!!! 

He has kindly taken time out of his busy December schedule to visit us. He has tasked some elves to bring cameras equipment. So put on your holiday best, grab the whole family, and come join us.

Pictures with Santa Paws are free.  Donations always welcome. 


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Fall Clean Up
10:00 AM10:00

Fall Clean Up

Free coffee! 

And some work gloves...

We all love joy on our pups face when they get to run free with their buddies in the run. It's the time of year when we show our love to Homer's run. Come on down to make sure our pups are still getting the best. 

Run will be closed to everyone but the volunteers and their dogs. 


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10:00 AM10:00

Spring Clean-Up, It's My Parks Day - 5/16/2015

We'll be doing the usual work clean-up work (sprucing up the run, picking up poo, and moving back the gravel that's shifted to the sides and ends of the run).

There's all kinds of jobs that need doing, from manning the information table to shoveling gravel and everything in between. Every little bit helps, so please come by even if you can only stay for a little while. If you can't come at all, consider making at donation to Inwoof instead! We all use the run, so we all have to do our part to keep it clean.

Refreshments for volunteer workers provided by Furry Fiends.

Please note that the RUN WILL BE CLOSED on Saturday, May 16th between 10am-2pm except for volunteer workers and their dogs.

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10:00 AM10:00

Coffee Bark! 2/7/2015

Come hang out with Inwood Dogs and their people at Coffee Bark!  Held on the first Saturday of every month, Coffee Bark! is a chance to grab a few snacks and get to know other people and dogs in the neighborhood.

This Coffee Bark! will be hosted by Paloma, Yip Yap, and Uni!

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10:00 AM10:00

Coffee Bark! 1/3/2015

Come hang out with Inwood Dogs and their people at Coffee Bark!  Held on the first Saturday of every month, Coffee Bark! is a chance to grab a few snacks and get to know other people and dogs in the neighborhood.

This Coffee Bark! will be hosted by Emily and Finn. 

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10:00 AM10:00

Coffee Bark, 11/1/2014

Come hang out with Inwood Dogs and their people at Coffee Bark!  Held on the first Saturday of every month, Coffee Bark! is a chance to grab a few snacks and get to know other people and dogs in the neighborhood.

Refreshments for November Coffee Bark will be provided by Connie and her dog Stella.

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to Oct 24

Fence Replacement Project Begins

Parks crews will begin replacing our fence on  Monday, October 20th.

They will run a temporary fence inside the existing run for the duration of this project.  It is not currently known how long this project will take, or if the run will be closed at certain times.  Stay tuned to this page. I will update it as information becomes available. 


--Jason, President of Inwoof

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10:00 AM10:00

Coffee Bark 10/04/2014

Come hang out with Inwood Dogs and their people at Coffee Bark!  Held on the first Saturday of every month, Coffee Bark! is a chance to grab a few snacks and get to know other people and dogs in the neighborhood.

Refreshments for October Coffee Bark will be provided by Dan and his dog Mack.

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